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全帧CCD相机(UV VUS NIR) | 瑆创光学电子商店


适用于紫外线、可见光、近红外 ( 160 nm -1100 nm)的科学级全画幅 CCD 相机

ELSEs 光谱学系列/ELSEi 成像系列

这些用于 UV、VIS、NIR 成像和光谱的科学全画幅 CCD 相机属于 ELSE 系列(包括 ELSEs 和 ELSEi)。适用于 160 nm -1100 nm 的波长范围。


ELSE 集成了尖端的低噪声电子元件和超深冷却技术,同时保持了紧凑的相机设计。可以选择多种读出速度,支持从 50 kHz 到 5 MHz 的像素速率。真正的 18 位 AD 转换允许利用 CCD 传感器的全部动态范围来实现最高的性能和 SNR。ELSE 非常适合检测非常弱的信号强度,其中低噪声基底至关重要。ELSE 为您未来的测量提供了前所未有的可能性。





- 超深 TE 冷却至 -100 °C


- 真空密封


- GigE 和 USB 3.0 数据接口

  本地或远程网络操作 – 您的选择

- 多种传感器选项

  适合不同传感器格式的 UV、VIS 或 NIR 涂层




- 用户可选择增益


- 灵活的软件选择


- 读取速度快,最高可达5Mhz



 ELSEs 光谱系列   ELSEi 光谱系列
- 拉曼光谱

- 近红外光谱

- 荧光光谱法

- 吸收、传输,

- 反射光谱法


- 体内荧光生物成像 

- 天文学 

- LIBS 光谱

- 中子断层扫描 

- EL/PL 成像 

- 超冷量子研究



ELSEs 光谱系列




用于近红外范围的深耗尽NIMO CCD传感器


ELSEi 成像系列



用于近红外范围的深耗尽NIMO CCD传感器





参数 ELSEs 光谱系列 ELSEi 成像系列

50 kHz、100 kHz、250 kHz、500 kHz、1 MHz、3 MHz

 (可视化模式为 5 MHz)

50 kHz、250 kHz、1 MHz、3 MHz 

(可视化模式为 5 MHz;多输出时最高可达 20 MHz)

读出模式 / 2 个输出节点适用于 1k1k 和 2k2k 摄像机,
4 个输出节点适用于 2k2k plus 和 4k4k 摄像机
AD转换器分辨率 18 -bit
线性 优于 99%
窗户材质 MgF2 或 UVFS 用于对紫外线敏感的型号,否则为 BK7
法兰距焦平面 10.0 mm 10.0 mm(1k1k、2k2k plus 和 4k4k 摄像机);9 mm(2k2k 摄像机)
CCD传感器冷却 最低 -100°C 至 20°C,强制风冷或液冷

-100°C 至 20°C(1k1k 摄像机);

 -90°C 至 20 °C(2k2k、2k2k plus 和 4k4k 摄像头)

温度监控 CCD 传感器和热电冷却器(热侧)处的两个热敏电阻
数据链路 千兆以太网、USB 3.0
软件 适用于 Windows 7/10 的视觉软件
SDK 和驱动程序 Windows 的 DLL;LabVIEW、EPICS、Linux、Python、Tango 驱动程序(可选)
TTL接口信号 曝光输出、快门输出、2 个外部触发输入
工作条件 温度:0°C 至 35°C 环境温度,相对湿度 <80%(无凝结)
电源 80 - 240 VAC,47 Hz - 63 Hz
最大 1.1 A(230 VAC),1.9 A(115 VAC)
1k1k 和 2k2k:80-264 VAC(典型值 115/230),47-63 Hz(典型值 50/60)
 最大 1.1 A(230 V)/1.9 A(115 V)
2k2k plus 和 4k4k:85-264 VAC(典型值 115/230),47-63 Hz(典型值 50/60)
 最大 1.9 A(230 V)/3.8 A(115 V)
认证 CE
尺寸 8.3 cm (3.27 ʺ) × 10.0 cm (3.94 ʺ) × 13.1 cm (5.16 ʺ)(宽 × 高 × 长)

8.3 cm(3.27 ʺ)× 10.0 cm(3.94 ʺ)× 13.1 cm(5.16 ʺ)

 (宽 × 高 × 长,1k1k 和 2k2k 相机机身)

13.7 cm(5.39 ʺ)× 13.7 cm(5.39 ʺ)× 17.1 cm(6.71 ʺ) 

(宽 × 高 × 长,2k2k plus 和 4k4k 摄像机机身)

重量 2.2 kg 2.2 kg(1k1k & 2k2k)
5.4 kg(2k2k plus & 4k4k)
瑕疵规格 传感器制造商指定的 0 级或 1 级(标准)





型号代码 说明 型号代码 说明
GE-VI01 Windows 视觉软件套件 GE-StoB2m 2m SMB 转 BNC 连接线 × 2
GE-SDK01 适用于 Windows 的 SDK(基于 C/C++) GE-POW01 带电缆的摄像机电源
GE-USB3m3 3米 USB 3.0 线缆 A 型转 C 型 GE-ManCam 相机使用说明书
GE-GigE10m 10米以太网电缆 / /




Vision 软件套件可访问所有相机功能。它包括全面的可视化、分析和存储选项,并支持波长和几何校准、裁剪和连拍模式以及各种文件格式等重要功能。该软件可在 32/64 位 Windows 系统上运行。为了集成到其他系统中,可以使用软件开发工具包和驱动程序。





- 支持裁剪和突发读出模式,以实现更高的帧速率和精确的时间分辨率 

- 多种文件格式:JPG、BMP、TXT、TIFF(16 位)、DAT 原始数据

- 全面的可视化和图像处理程序

- 支持灵活的水平和垂直合并


- 许多驱动程序可集成到其他系统

- 在 32/64 位 Windows 系统上运行

- 波长和几何校准 

- 支持英语和德语



适用于 UV、VIS、NIR 光谱的科学级全画幅 CCD 相机 -  ELSEs 系列


型号 图像面积( mm) 像素格式 像素尺寸(µm) 增益(计数/电子) CCD 传感器类型 传感器涂层 全井容量(ke-) 典型读取噪声(e¯) 暗电流
@ -100 °C
对准井(ke¯) 量子效率
标准模式 高容量
@ 50 kHz @ 1 MHz @ 3 MHz

ELSE-s 1k128

ELSE-s 1k128 BI MID 26.6 × 3.3 1024 × 127 26  × 26 0.4 / BSI 中频带 AR 500 5.5 12.5 26 0.0004 e¯/pixel/s 1 000 Up to 95% VIS
ELSE-s 1k128 DD NIR 0.4 / BSI,深耗尽,
NIR AR 700 5.5 12.5 26 0.005 e¯/pixel/s 1 400 Up to 95% NIR

ELSE-s 1k256

ELSE-s 1k256 OE UV 26.6 × 6.7 1024 × 255 26  × 26 0.4 / FSI, 开放式电极 / 300 / / / 0.0004 e¯/pixel/s 1 000 Up to 36% UV
ELSE-s 1k256 BI UV2 0.4 / BSI 宽带 UV AR 500 6 13.1 26 0.4 counts/e¯ 1 000 Up to 90%
ELSE-s 1k256 BI UV3 0.4 / BSI UV AR 500 6 13.1 26 0.4 counts/e¯ 1 000 Up to 60% UV
ELSE-s 1k256 FI 0.4 / FSI / 500 4.2 12 25 0.4 counts/e¯ 1 000 Up to 55% VIS
ELSE-s 1k256 BI MID 0.4 / BSI 中频带 AR 500 6 13.1 26 0.4 counts/e¯ 1 000 Up to 95% VIS
ELSE-s 1k256 FI DD 0.4 / FSI,  深耗尽 / 700 5.4 12.3 25 0.005 e¯/pixel/s 1 400 Up to 60%
ELSE-s 1k256 DD NIR 0.4 / BSI, 深耗尽,
NIR AR 700 5.4 12.3 25 0.005 e¯/pixel/s 1 400 Up to 95% NIR
ELSE-s 1k256 DD MU2 0.4 / BSI, 深耗尽,
多波段  AR 700 5.4 12.3 25 0.005 e¯/pixel/s 1 400 Up to 95%

ELSE-s 2k256

ELSE-s 2k256 FI 30.7 × 3.9 2048 × 264 15  × 15 1.5 / FSI / 75 3.7 7 12.1 0.0006 e¯/pixel/s 650 Up to 55% VIS
ELSE-s 2k256 DD NIR 1.5 / BSI, 深耗尽,
NIR AR 75 3.7 7 12.1 0.0006 e¯/pixel/s 650 Up to 95% NIR

ELSE-s 2k512

ELSE-s 2k512 FI UV 27.6 × 6.9 2048 × 512 13.5  × 13.5 1 0.34 FSI Lumogen 100 3.5 6.8 10.7 0.00025 e¯/pixel/s 400 Up to 12% UV
ELSE-s 2k512 BI UV2 1 0.34 BSI 宽带 UV AR 100 3.5 6.8 10.7 0.00025 e¯/pixel/s 400 Up to 90%
ELSE-s 2k512 BI UV3 1 0.34 BSI UV AR 100 3.5 6.8 10.7 0.00025 e¯/pixel/s 400 Up to 60% UV
ELSE-s 2k512 FI 1 0.34 FSI / 100 3.5 6.8 10.7 0.00025 e¯/pixel/s 400 Up to 55% VIS
ELSE-s 2k512 BI MID 1 0.34 BSI 中频带 AR 100 3.5 6.8 10.7 0.00025 e¯/pixel/s 400 Up to 95% VIS



1ms 曝光时间,5MHz 数字化,1 端口
传感器 传感器格式 全画幅 FVB Crop 32 lines Crop 16 lines

1k x 128 33.7 337.3 / /
1k x 256 17.1 221.8 624 709
2k x 512 2.7 98.6 456 511


订购代码 说明
A) 成像配件
GE-M4202 M42 镜头适配器(集成滤镜支架可选)
GE-FM02 F 接口镜头适配器(集成滤镜支架可选)
GE-SR35 35mm快门,含快门驱动模块
B) 增强冷却性能的配件
GE-CR01 紧凑型液体冷却,在室温下循环冷却剂,实现相机深度冷却
GE-CR02 循环水冷却器,PID 控制,温度范围为 -5°C 至 30°C,可实现超深度相机冷却
C) 软件开发工具包(SDK)和驱动程序
GE-LX01 Linux 版 SDK(基于 C/C++)
GE-PYT01 Python 驱动程序
GE-LAB01 LabVIEW 驱动程序
GE-TAN Tango 驱动程序



适用于 UV、VIS、NIR 成像应用的科学级 全画幅 CCD 相机 -  ELESi 系列


模式 图像面积(mm ) 像素格式 像素尺寸(µm) 增益(计数/e-) CCD 传感器类型 传感器涂层 全井容量(k e-) 典型读取噪声(e¯) 暗电流( (e¯/pixel/s)) 对准井(ke¯)


节点( ke¯)
标准模式 高容量模式 @ 50 kHz @ 1 MHz @ 3 MHz @ -100 °C @ -90 °C

ELSE-i 1k1k

ELSE-i 1k1k BI UV3 13.3 × 13.3  1024x1024  13×13 1 / BSI UV AR 100 2.8 6.4 10.9 0.00015 / 400 / 高达 60% UV
ELSE-i 1k1k FI 1 / FSI / 100 2.8 6.4 10.9 0.00015 / 400 / 高达 55% VIS
ELSE-i 1k1k BI BR 1 / BSI 宽带 AR 100 2.8 6.4 10.9 0.00015 / 400 / 高达 85% VIS
ELSE-i 1k1k BI MID 1 / BSI 中频带 AR 100 2.8 6.4 10.9 0.00015 / 400 / 高达 95% VIS
ELSE-i 1k1k DD NIR 1 / BSI,深度耗竭,
NIR AR 120 2.8 6.4 10.9 0.0005 / 400 / 高达 95% NIR
ELSE-i 1k1k DD MU2 1 / BSI,深度耗竭,
多频段 AR 120 2.8 6.4 10.9 0.0005 / 400 / 高达 95%

ELSE-i 2k2k

ELSE-i 2k2k BI UV3 27.6 × 27.6  2048×2052  13.5×13.5 1 0.34 BSI UV AR 150 3.4 7.0  13.6 / 0.001 600 / 高达 60%
ELSE-i 2k2k FI 1 0.34 FSI / 100 3.4 7.0  13.6 / 0.0001 400 / 高达 55% VIS
ELSE-i 2k2k BI MID 1 0.34 BSI 中频带 AR 100 3.4 7.0  13.6 / 0.0001 400 / 高达 95% VIS
ELSE-i 2k2k DD NIR 1 0.34 BSI,深度耗竭,
NIR AR 150 3.4 7.0  13.6 / 0.001 600 / 高达 95% NIR
ELSE-i 2k2k DD MU2 1 0.34 BSI,深度耗竭,
Multi-2 AR 150 3.4 7.0  13.6 / 0.001 600 / 高达 95% VIS-NIR

ELSE-i 2k2k plus

ELSE-i 2k2k plus BI MID 30.7 × 30.7  2048×2064  15×15 0.6 0.2 BSI 中频带 AR 150 4.6 8.5 17 / 0.00008 850 900 高达 95% VIS


ELSE-i 4k4k

ELSE-i 4k4k BI UV2 61.4 × 61.4  4096×4112  15×15 1 0.34 BSI 天文宽带 AR 350 2.8 5.8 10.4 / 0.0006 / 600 高达 85%
ELSE-i 4k4k BI UV4 1 0.34 BSI 天文中频带 AR 350 2.8 5.8 10.4 / 0.0006 / 600 高达 95%
ELSE-i 4k4k FI 0.6 0.2 FSI / 150 4.6 8.5 17 / 0.00008 / 900 高达 55% VIS
ELSE-i 4k4k BI BR 0.6 0.2 BSI 宽带 AR 150 4.6 8.5 17 / 0.00008 / 900 高达 85% VIS
ELSE-i 4k4k BI MID 0.6 0.2 BSI 中频带 AR 150 4.6 8.5 17 / 0.00008 / 900 高达 95% VIS
ELSE-i 4k4k DD MU2 1 0.34 BSI,深度耗竭,
多频段 AR 150 2.8 5.8 10.4 / 0.0006 / 600 高达 95%


1ms 曝光时间,6MHz 数字化,2 端口
分箱 全画幅 1k x 1k 512 x 512 256 x 256

CCD 42-40 (2kx2k)

1 x 1 1 2.1 4.2 8.3
2 x 2 1.7 3.4 6.9 13.6
4 x 4 2.6 5.1 10 19.9
8 x 8 3.3 6.6 13.2 25.8
16 x 16 4 7.9 15.5 30.4


  1ms 曝光时间,10MHz 数字化,2 端口
分箱 全画幅 512k x 512k 256 x 256 128 x 128

CCD 47-10 (1kx1k)
1 x 1 8.5 16.9 33.1 63.6
2 x 2 16.3 32 62.1 116.1
4 x 4 30.1 58.3 110 195.3
8 x 8 52.1 98.5 177.5 296.4
16 x 16 81.9 150.1 257.3 399.9



订购代码 描述
A) 用于成像的附件
GE-CM02 用于 1k1k 相机的 C 接口镜头适配器
GE-M4202 M42 镜头适配器,适用于 1k1k、2k2k 和 2k2k plus 相机(可选配集成滤镜支架)
GE-FM02 用于 1k1k、2k2k 和 2k2k 以及相机的 F 接口镜头适配器(可选配集成滤镜支架)
GE-SR35 25mm快门,用于1K1K相机,包括快门驱动器模块
GE-SR45 45mm 快门,适用于 2K2K 和 2K2K Plus 相机,包括快门驱动器模块
B) 用于增强冷却性能的附件
GE-CR01 紧凑的液体冷却,冷却液在室温下循环,用于相机深度冷却
GE-CR02 循环水冷却器,PID 控制,温度从 -5°C 到 30°C,用于超深摄像机冷却
C) 软件开发工具包 (SDK) 和驱动程序
GE-LX01 适用于 Linux 的 SDK(基于 C/C++)
GE-PYT01 Python 驱动程序
GE-LAB01 LabVIEW 驱动 程序
GE-TAN Tango 驱动程序





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Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy, Image Area 26.6 mm × 3.3 mm,Pixel Format 1024 × 127 Pixels,Pixel Size 26 µm × 26 µm,Gain 0.4 Counts/e-,CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated,Sensor Coating Midband Antireflective,Full well capacity 500 k e-, Up to 95% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy, Image Area 26.6 mm × 3.3 mm, Pixel Format 1024 × 127 Pixels, Pixel Size 26 µm × 26 µm, Gain 0.4 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type, Back-illuminated, Deep Depletion, Fringe Suppression, Sensor Coating NIR Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 700 k e-, Up to 95% NIR Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy,Image Area 26.6 mm × 6.7 mm,Pixel Format 1024 × 255 Pixels,Pixel Size 26 µm × 26 µm,Gain 0.4 Counts/e-,CCD Sensor Type Front-illuminated, Open-Electrode,Full Well Capacity 300 k e-,Up to 36% UV Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy,Image Area 26.6 mm × 6.7 mm, Pixel Format 1024 × 255 Pixels, Pixel Size 26 µm × 26 µm, Gain 0.4 counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type, Back-illuminated, Enhanced Process, Sensor Coating Broadband UV Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 500 k e-, Up to 90% Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy,Image Area 26.6 mm × 6.7 mm, Pixel Format 1024 × 255 Pixels, Pixel Size 26 µm × 26 µm, Back-illuminated, Enhanced Process, Sensor Coating UV Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 500 k e-, Up to 60% UV Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy,Image Area 26.6 mm × 6.7 mm, Pixel Format 1024 × 255 Pixels, Pixel Size 26 µm × 26 µm, Gain 0.4 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Front-illuminated, Full Well Capacity 500 k e-, Up to 55% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy,Image Area 26.6 mm × 6.7 mm,Pixel Format 1024 × 255 Pixels,Pixel Size 26 µm × 26 µm,Gain 0.4 counts/e-,CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated,Sensor Coating Midband Antireflective,Full Well Capacity 500 k e-, Up to 95% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy,Image Area 26.6 mm × 6.7 mm,Pixel Format 1024 × 255 pixels,Pixel Size 26 µm × 26 µm ,Gain 0.4 Counts/e-,CCD Sensor Type Front-illuminated, Deep Depletion,Full Well Capacity 700 k e-,Up to 60% Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy,Image Area 26.6 mm × 6.7 mm, Pixel Format 1024 × 255 Pixels, Pixel Size 26 µm × 26 µm, Gain 0.4 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Deep Depletion, Fringe Suppression, Sensor Coating NIR Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 700 k e-, Up to 95% NIR Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy,Image Area 26.6 mm × 6.7 mm,Pixel Format 1024 × 255 Pixels,Pixel Size 26 µm × 26 µm,CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Deep Depletion, Fringe Suppression,Sensor Coating Multiband Antireflective,Full Well Capacity 700 k e-
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy,Image Area 30.7 mm × 3.9 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 264 Pixels, Pixel Size 15 µm × 15 µm, Gain 1.5 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Front-Illuminated, Full Well Capacity 75 k e-, Up to 55% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy, Image area 30.7 mm × 3.9 mm,Pixel format 2048 × 264 pixels,Pixel size 15 µm × 15 µm,Gain 1.5 counts/e-,CCD sensor type Back-Illuminated, Deep-Depletion, Fringe Suppression,Sensor coating NIR antireflective,Full well capacity 75 k e-
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy, Image Area 27.6 mm × 6.9 mm,Pixel Format 2048 × 512 Pixels,Pixel Size 13.5 µm × 13.5 µm,Gain High Capacity Mode 0.34 counts/e-; Standard Mode 1 counts/e-,CCD Sensor Type Front-illuminated,Sensor Coating Lumogen,Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 12% UV Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy, Image Area 27.6 mm × 6.9 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 512 Pixels, Pixel Size 13.5 µm × 13.5 µm, Gain High Capacity Mode 0.34 counts/e-; Standard Mode 1 counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Enhanced Process, Sensor Coating Broadband UV Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 90% Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy, Image Area 27.6 mm × 6.9 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 512 Pixels, Pixel Size 13.5 µm × 13.5 µm, Gain High Capacity Mode 0.34 Counts/e-; Standard Mode: 1 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Enhanced Process, Sensor Coating UV Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 60% UV Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy, Image Area 27.6 mm × 6.9 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 512 Pixels, Pixel Size 13.5 µm × 13.5 µm, Gain High Capacity Mode 0.34 Counts/e-; Standard Mode 1 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Front-illuminated, Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 55% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Spectroscopy, Image Area 27.6 mm × 6.9 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 512 Pixels, Pixel Size 13.5 µm × 13.5 µm, Gain High Capacity Mode 0.34 Counts/e-; Standard Mode 1 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Sensor Coating, Midband Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 95% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEs 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 13.3 mm × 13.3 mm, Pixel Format 1024 x 1024 Pixels, Pixel Size 13 µm × 13 µm, Gain 1 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Sensor Coating UV Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 60% UV Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 13.3 mm × 13.3 mm, Pixel Format 1024 x 1024 Pixels, Pixel Size 13 µm × 13 µm, Gain 1 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Front-illuminated, Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 55% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 13.3 mm × 13.3 mm, Pixel Format 1024 x 1024 Pixels, Pixel Size 13 µm × 13 µm, Gain 1 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Sensor Coating Broadband Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 85% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 13.3 mm × 13.3 mm, Pixel Format 1024 x 1024 Pixels, Pixel Size 13 µm × 13 µm, Gain 1 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Sensor Coating Midband Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 95% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 13.3 mm × 13.3 mm, Pixel Format 1024 x 1024 Pixels, Pixel Size 13 µm × 13 µm, Gain 1 Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Deep Depletion, Fringe Suppression, Sensor Coating NIR Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 120 k e-, Up to 95% NIR Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 13.3 mm × 13.3 mm, Pixel Format 1024 x 1024 Pixels, Pixel Size 13 µm × 13 µm, Gain 1 counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Deep Depletion, Fringe Suppression, Sensor Coating Multiband Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 120 k e-,Up to 95% Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 27.6 mm × 27.6 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 2052 Pixels, Pixel Size 13.5 µm × 13.5 µm, Gain 1 (Standard Mode) / 0.34 (High Capacity Mode) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Enhanced Process, Sensor Coating UV Antireflective Full Well Capacity 150 k e-, Up to 60% quantum efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 27.6 mm × 27.6 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 2052 Pixels, Pixel Size 13.5 µm × 13.5 µm, Gain 1 (Standard Mode) / 0.34 (High Capacity Mode) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Front-illuminated, Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 55% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 27.6 mm × 27.6 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 2052 Pixels, Pixel Size 13.5 µm × 13.5 µm, Gain 1 (Standard Mode) / 0.34 (High Capacity Mode) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Sensor Coating Midband Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 100 k e-, Up to 95% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 27.6 mm × 27.6 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 2052 Pixels, Pixel Size 13.5 µm × 13.5 µm, Gain 1 (Standard Mode) / 0.34 (High Capacity Mode) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Deep Depletion Fringe Suppression, Sensor Coating NIR Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 150 k e-, Up to 95% NIR Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 27.6 mm × 27.6 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 2052 Pixels, Pixel Size 13.5 µm × 13.5 µm, Gain 1 (Standard Mode) / 0.34 (High Capacity Mode) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-Illuminated, Deep-Depletion, Fringe Suppression, Sensor Coating Multi-2 Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 150 k e-, Up to 95% VIS-NIR Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 30.7 mm × 30.7 mm, Pixel Format 2048 × 2064 Pixels, Pixel Size 15 µm × 15 µm, Gain 0.6 (Standard Mode) / 0.2 (High Capacity Mode) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-Illuminated, Sensor Coating Midband Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 150 k e-, Up to 95% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 61.4 mm × 61.4 mm, Pixel Format 4096 × 4112 Pixels, Pixel Size 15 µm × 15 µm, Gain 1 (Standard Mode )/ 0.34 (High Capacity Mode) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Sensor Coating Astro-broadband Antireflective, Up to 85% Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 61.4 mm × 61.4 mm, Pixel Format 4096 × 4112 Pixels, Pixel Size 15 µm × 15 µm, Gain 1(Standard Mode) / 0.34 (High Capacity Mode ) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated, Sensor Coating Astro-midband Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 350 k e-, Up to 95% Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 61.4 mm × 61.4 mm, Pixel Format 4096 × 4112 Pixels, Pixel Size 15 µm × 15 µm, Gain 0.6(Standard Mode) / 0.2 (High Capacity Mode) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Front-Illuminated, Full Well Capacity 150 k e-, Up to 55% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 61.4 mm × 61.4 mm, Pixel Format 4096 × 4112 Pixels, Pixel Size 15 µm × 15 µm, Gain 0.6(Standard Mode) / 0.2 (High Capacity Mode) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-Illuminated, Sensor Coating Broadband Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 150 k e-, Up to 85% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging,Image Area 61.4 mm × 61.4 mm, Pixel Format 4096 × 4112 Pixels, Pixel Size 15 µm × 15 µm,Gain 0.6(Standard Mode) / 0.2(High Capacity Mode) Counts/e-,CCD Sensor Type Back-illuminated,Sensor Coating Midband Antireflective,Full Well Capacity 150 k e-,Up to 95% VIS Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi In Stock Request for quote
Scientific Full-Frame CCD Cameras for UV, VIS, NIR for Imaging, Image Area 61.4 mm × 61.4 mm, 61.4 mm × 61.4 mm 4096 × 4112 Pixels, Pixel Size 15 µm × 15 µm, Gain 1(Standard Mode) / 0.34(High Capacity Mode ) Counts/e-, CCD Sensor Type Back-Illuminated, Deep-Depletion, Fringe Suppression, Sensor Coating Multiband Antireflective, Full Well Capacity 150 k e-, Up to 95% Quantum Efficiency
ELSEi 6-8 weeks Request for quote

ELSE-i-4k4k-DDMU2 - Parameter


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ELSE-i-2k2kplus-BIMID - Parameter


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ELSE-i-2k2k-BIUV3 - Parameter


ELSE-i-1k1k-DDMU2 - Parameter


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ELSE-i-1k1k-BIBR - Parameter


ELSE-i-1k1k-FI - Parameter


ELSE-i-1k1k-BIUV3 - Parameter


ELSE-s-2k512-BIMID - Parameter


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ELSE-s-1k256-OEUV - Parameter


ELSE-s-1k128-DDNIR - Parameter


ELSE-s-1k128-BIMID - Parameter


ELSE-i-4k4k-DDMU2 - Download

ELSE-i-4k4k-BIMID - Download

ELSE-i-4k4k-BIBR - Download

ELSE-i-4k4k-FI - Download

ELSE-i-4k4k-BIUV4 - Download

ELSE-i-4k4k-BIUV2 - Download

ELSE-i-2k2kplus-BIMID - Download

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ELSE-i-2k2k-DDNIR - Download

ELSE-i-2k2k-BIMID - Download

ELSE-i-2k2k-FI - Download

ELSE-i-2k2k-BIUV3 - Download

ELSE-i-1k1k-DDMU2 - Download

ELSE-i-1k1k-DDNIR - Download

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ELSE-i-1k1k-BIBR - Download

ELSE-i-1k1k-FI - Download

ELSE-i-1k1k-BIUV3 - Download

ELSE-s-2k512-BIMID - Download

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ELSE-s-2k512-BIUV3 - Download

ELSE-s-2k512-BIUV2 - Download

ELSE-s-2k512-FIUV - Download

ELSE-s-2k256-DDNIR - Download

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ELSE-s-1k256-DDNIR - Download

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